Stumbled upon a new tool today: Flickr Scout by Basically it will show you if any of your photos have ever been in the the top 500 interesting photos for the day and gives you some stats about those that have. So far, only my “what’s in your bag” photo has ever hit the list.
There are some other strange little Flickr doo-dads at fd’s Flickr Toys page. I haven’t played around with them too much, but some of them look like fun.
Tags:, flickr, flickr scout, flickr toys, interestingness, photo sharing, photos, toys
hey so completely off topic
but when we were driving, on the radio, one of the hosts had gone to NY and SAW yuri and the CAT CIRCUS. it was the funniest description, and we almost crashed into another car because we were laughing so hard. i guess its like a circus, but they just add in cats, but they dont really train the cats or anything