Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’


Thursday, November 1st, 2007

Last April I started playing around with Twitter, but I didn’t really get into it until July after Adam showed me Twitterific by Iconfactory. I gave up on getting Twitter to work with IM and my cell phone and started tweeting through Twitterific exclusively.

I’ve been filling it with thoughts, annoyances, personally directed (but not private) messages, and links, several times a day, and my IM and Facebook status messages are set to my twitter url pretty much all the time these days. The Twitter application for Facebook is one of the few that I use and I’ve tried and failed to get Twitter Tools to work with WordPress 2.3.1 so I could have my tweets cross-posted here as well.


Sunday, April 29th, 2007

I had read about Twitter when Casey first wrote about it, and later his critisism of it, but I didn’t have much interest in it at the time. Adam started using it it earnest last week and after hearing about it on Fair Game on Friday night I decided to give it a shot. So far I haven’t had too much of a chance to play around with it. I am having some trouble with the IM integration, “TwitterIM is under maintenance at the moment. Please check back later.” which I understand, but when trying to enable updates via my mobile phone I just get an “Invalid Address” message, which gives me much less to go on.