Start the first video. Nine seconds in, press play on the second video and watch a hang glider pilot crash from 2 different angles. Be warned, there is some cursing.
Archive for the ‘Wanderings’ Category
Synchronized Crashing
Monday, December 6th, 2010Explore Motor City
Thursday, September 30th, 2010I forget where I found this video series, but it appeals to the Bohemian in me. Johnny Knoxville drives around Detroit showing that despite (because of?) all the decay, young artists and musicians and makers of things are moving back into the city and creating wonderful work in ways they wouldn’t be able to anywhere else.
Driving in Boston: A visual guide
Friday, June 19th, 2009I think this map sums up getting from point A to point B in Boston:
First cache of the year.
Sunday, May 2nd, 2004Went up East Rattlesnake with Mike and Leasa. wandered around trying to find the first and second stage of the multi. Found the cache with the aid of head lamps and walked down the mountain after dark. This was my first time up East Rattlesnake, but I think I like west better. I removed track points involved in finding the cache, so as not to give it away, but here’s our track overlayed over aerial and topo maps. Almost forgot, I found 3 ticks and Mike found one. That brings my geocaching parasite total to 6, which means that I’m averaging 2 ticks per cache.
Fox Park Expedition #2
Friday, August 8th, 2003I headed out in the woods again with the intention of marking down some trail intersections. I forgot my maps from the previous expedition however and so I didn’t do much other then retread routes I’ve already been on. The successes for the day are taking a 5 minute average on the large boulders we’ve always called “Devils Peak” and bringing 2 discarded beer cans, a piece of plastic and an empty glass Nestea bottle out of the woods with me. People are pigs. Click here [.tiff] for maps of expeditions one (pink) and two (purple).
Total distance today: About 1.7 km.
Fox Park Survey #1
Monday, July 28th, 2003Monday after work I decided to go take an initial survey of the (unmapped as far as I know) trails behind Fox Park. My goal was to put together enough of a map that I can get around and know where I am in relation to everything else. My end goal for this project is to put together a complete map of all the trails. I spend about and hour and a half walking around and went a smidge of 2 kilometers. The mapped the data using QuakeMap and I’m posting it for all to see. I think on my next trip I’m going to try to get an accurate waypoint for some (all?) of the intersections and interesting features as well as hauling out some more trash (did I forget to mention that I pulled out about 4 empty malt liquor bottles and numerous empty cans?). Anyone want to join me? I was thinking of going Sunday Morning. Click here for the map.
Wickwas Challenge – Attempt #1
Sunday, July 20th, 2003I ran out to this geocache after dropping Jenny off at work. Took to Mazda off-roading to get an optimum parking spot and I’m probably lucky that I didn’t bottom out or pop a tire. I followed a trail about 350m before finding myself face to face with a brand-spanking-new no trespassing sign blocking my way. Being a law abiding citizen, I turned tail back to my car and emailed the Cache owner. Maybe I should’ve posted to the cache page requesting archive as I’m pretty sure I was in the right spot, but I didn’t. Still haven’t heard back from the dude a week later.