Archive for the ‘Funny’ Category

Colin’s toolbox.

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

Collin Cunningham posted another episode of Collin’s Lab detailing his basic electronic toolkit.

I’m doing pretty good, just missing good tweezers, a hemostat, tin snips, desoldering tool and magnifying visor.

Engineer Guy

Saturday, January 15th, 2011

I’ve been enjoying Bill “Engineer Guy” Hammack’s videos. In his videos, he everyday technology from an engineer’s perspective. Here are a couple of my favorites:

What people don’t tell you about student loans

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

Know that you will have debt because student loan debt follows borrowing habits and is not independent of debt from your credit cards. Think hard about when and why you borrow the money you need for college.

Don’t be caught without an undergraduate degree. A well-rounded college education is crucial to your career success.

Stay informed and get personalized information and tips to help you successfully complete your college degree.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that 48 million Americans are currently looking for work. There are many job opportunities for students and graduates.

Earn your bachelor’s degree while working part-time. Students need to have an income to pay tuition and living expenses, and this can be easily accomplished by working part-time at a low-paying job. Additionally, exploring financial education resources like Invest Diva can provide valuable insights into managing expenses and investing wisely while pursuing your degree.

Work at an organization that hires and develops college graduates for work. Examples include:

Nursing homes, clinics, hospitals, and military bases

Non-profit organizations

Non-profit, government, and education institutions

Private nonprofit organizations or for-profit colleges and universities If you plan to study at an institution that has a good track record with returning students, such as an institution that has a strong reputation for graduation rates or a particular major, consider a full-time or part-time job at that institution. You will have less of a financial commitment and may receive more job opportunities. Student loans can make the job search easier. If you want to pursue a graduate degree or professional program, the U.S. Department of Education’s New College Scorecard can help you determine which degree programs have the highest acceptance rate and which have the lowest. See a sample New College Scorecard. See the United States News College Compass for up-to-date information on U.S. News & World Report rankings.

How to use a credit card to help pay for school

According to websites like SoFi, most student loans and grants are funded by your income. For example, a student loan for a four-year bachelor’s degree would be funded with your paycheck for the duration of the degree. For most schools, the federal government charges a portion of the cost of the college education. As a result, if you don’t have any financial aid, you might be tempted to borrow from a credit card. However, borrowing money from a credit card for college tuition or school fees can be very risky, because you don’t know how much the bill will be until you pay it back. Although some schools may offer a variety of financing options for students who do not qualify for financial aid, it’s always a good idea to check before taking out a large sum of money from your credit card.

Your personal situation

Having to pay for college without aid puts a lot of pressure on your parents, but that’s why they’re there for you. If you want to finance your own college education, you must understand that the money you’ll need will depend on the state you live in. Additionally, exploring ways to make money online, such as investing, can be a great way to supplement your income and ease the financial burden. There are many investment platforms available today, each with its own set of features and risks. For example, you might wonder, Is XTB Safe and Legit? Doing thorough research on platforms like XTB and others is essential to ensure your investments are secure and aligned with your financial goals.


Crystal Head Vodka

Saturday, June 20th, 2009

Check out this video of Dan Aykroyd promoting Crystal Head Vodka. This unique spirit is quadruple distilled, triple filtered and then “filtered” through Herkimer diamonds. It comes in a crystal skull shaped bottle, which Dan describes in greater detail in the video. The sales pitch is 8 minutes long, but at 5 minutes in they start focusing on vodka rather then ghosts and mystery.

If you’re interested in how good the vodka is, see John Hodgman’s video review after the jump. (more…)

Driving in Boston: A visual guide

Friday, June 19th, 2009

I think this map sums up getting from point A to point B in Boston:

View Larger Map

It’s about nerds trying to better each other

Sunday, November 4th, 2007

I saw this on Gizmodo. There’s a great quote at the end of this clip from a woman named Taryn Fireside:

My favorite thing about New York Jedi is that it’s not about nerds trying to best each other, it’s about nerds trying to better each other and make their lives better through the dorkiness that makes them great.

97% isn’t so bad…

Saturday, October 6th, 2007

Most people who visit Callblog are looking my Funny Ebay Feedback post. I am but a humble servant giving my readers what they want when I link to the latest xkcd comic, which shows the humorous side of mail fraud.


Thursday, May 18th, 2006

Today I had a chance to play around with a customer’s MacBook Pro. Supposedly it had been giving them electric shocks, something I was unable to reproduce. In the process of testing, I messed around with Photo Booth and came out with this. I think it makes me look like Tom Green.

Harrionette Miers

Wednesday, October 5th, 2005

Harriet Miers is but a puppet controlled by Hier Bush

The image above, much like my photoshop skills, is far from perfect. The idea for the picture came to me while chatting with my boss yesterday, so rather then get a full night’s sleep, I created it using the trial version of Photoshop CS2. In the spirit of full disclosure, I know very little about:

  1. Harriet Miers
  2. Harriet Miers’ qualifications sit on the Supreme Court or to hold any other position for that matter.
  3. Whether or not Harriet Miers was nominated because she is easily manipulatable, as the picture suggests.

I’m pretty sure since this is parody that I’m not breaking any laws. Feel free to copy and distribute, but I’d appreciate it if you left the tag in place and give a link back to callblog or this post.

Harriet Miers, Supreme Court, Photoshop, puppetry, marionettes

Adsense and Facial Hair – yes, they’re related.

Saturday, July 23rd, 2005

I’m thinking about putting adsense ads on the front page of callblog. Heres the issue: I use the free version of Opera, and it’s unobtrusive google text ads are always the same or very similar to adsense ads on the page I’m looking at. When I’m looking at individual entries, the ads are usually related to the content of the entry in some way. When I’m looking at callblog’s front page, the ads are for beard and goatee trimmers. Granted, I do have a pretty sweet goatee. I’m just not sure why google obsesses over it so much.

That being said, bring on the wacky beards!

beards, goatees, chin beards, mustache, adsense, google, beard contest